
Cloves are the aromatic dried flower buds of a tree in the family myrtaceae syzygium aromaticum. They are native to the Maluku islands in Indonesia but it is an important spice product used..

Betel nut

Betel nut tree is a feathery palm that grows to approximately 1.5 m in height and is widely cultivated in tropical India, Bangladesh, Japan, Sri Lanka, south China, the East Indies, the Philippines...

Nutmeg and Mace

The hard brown seed from the nutmeg tree (a tropical evergreen) has a warm, spicy sweet flavor. The nut is dried for up to 2 months until the inner nut rattles inside the shell. It is then shelled...

Black Pepper

Black pepper is the fruit of the black pepper plant from the Piperaceae family and is used as both a spice and a medicine. The chemical piperine, which is present in black pepper, causes the spiciness...


First, all types of cinnamon belong to the same family of plants, called the Lauraceae family. In fact, there are more cinnamon species in this plant family (an estimated 2,000-2,500 total) than any...


Deliciously tangy and one of the most highly prized natural spice-condiments found in every South-Asian kitchen!...

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